Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hand Sanitizer

                           ALL NATURAL ALCOHOL FREE HAND SANITIZER...

    Just added to our line-up of all natural products is "Hand Sanitizer." I created this product shortly after the dermatologist told me that my frequent use of hand sanitizer was causing eczema flare up on my hand. I was like, huh?
    I was like if I don't use sanitizer then what will I do? Her response was to wash your hands frequently. I'm like duh, I know that, however I work in a classroom with children and can't leave as often as I would like to wash my hands hence I use sanitizer. Well, as you can imagine there was a long awkward silence and then she told me if I continued to use the sanitizer and it caused flare ups, there was some cream I could use and ofcourse come back to the office and follow up with her. Really? If you've ever seen a specialist you know that this isn't a cheap visit.

   I solved my own problem by creating this all natural alcohol free sanitizer. I can even scent it to match your favorite fragrance.

Order Today!


Have you tried our all natural nasal inhalers? A nasal inhaler is used to deliver medication to the lungs, we use all natural ingredients such as eucalyptus. Our inhalers can be used to relieve headaches as well as cold and sinus relief.


To custom create a fragrance for a fundraiser for your organization email us at